Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Today was a crazy day! We were supposed to have our Little Bits miniature quilt group Christmas luncheon at my house. I had to hurry yesterday and get my Christmas decorations up for the party today, and then.... it snowed about eight inches today and we had to postpone the party until next week. Ah well - at least they are all up now and I am ready for the season!
As I was decorating the tree I decided to take some pictures of some of my sewing/quilting related ornaments. I have quite a few! This one is one my friend Lori gave me. She recently moved and had a lot of Hallmark ornaments so she decided to thin them out a bit and gave me some. I love this one! I will think of her every time I see it!
I bought this one in Houston a couple of years ago. A gal from Texas makes ornaments and Santas (more on that later) out of old quilts. I couldn't resist this one. That is a little sewing machine under the snowman's right arm :)
Another one from Lori! I love the use of the thimbles!
And another one from Lori, with a thimble AND a spool of thread :)
I made these "sugar cookie" ornaments last year out of wool. They were so fun to make and I really like the way they turned out.
These ornaments were made 30 years ago! 1983 - shortly after we got married, I was working as a receptionist at a hair salon and going to college. During slow time at the salon I would cross stitch these ornaments. There are a dozen of them - all Disney characters. And Pluto, on the right, Mike made!
The ornament behind looks "quilty". It is made by punching fabric pieces into a styrofoam ball. It is about 30 years old too.
One year in our Little Bits group we had an ornament exchange and this is the one I made. It is six miniature log cabin blocks (2 inches finished) sewn into a cube and stuffed with a loop on one end for hanging and a tassel on the other.
A friend from my miniature group made and gave me this ornament last year. If my memory serves me correctly, it was Sherida. If I am wrong, someone please tell me! I love this cute little owl! It's only about 1 1/2 inches tall!
Maybe tomorrow I will start quilting my Market Fresh quilt, which I think is going to end up being called The Murphy Bed Quilt :)
I also have a Wool Gatherer's club meeting at Hi Fashion. I am interested to see if the Downton Abbey fabric has come in yet!
Maybe for a gift sometime you can make me sugar cookie ornaments?! Or something... I love our tree!