Friday, April 25, 2014
Fun Stuff
I thought I would post some random pictures just for fun today. My son sent me this picture of his parallel parking job. At first I thought he MUST be joking and that the other two cars just pinned him in, but no, he truly parallel parked between these two cars without bumping either one of them. He said it took him about 10 minutes. I guess this is what happens when there is not enough free student parking at a university. You take what you can get! I know for a fact I couldn't have done this, even if I had 10 hours!
I finished my little Modern Mini quilt top and now I need to QUILT it! It's super cute, even if I say so myself. Which only adds more pressure to not ruin it with the quilting - ahhhh!! I am going to grit my teeth and dig in and start quilting it today. I need to submit the entry form for Houston by May 29th. That is my challenge to myself this year :)
My daughter helped me find these really nice and comfortable totally white shoes because.... I am going to Zentangle all over them! I can hardly wait to get started on these too, but I also really need to work on my challenge for the guild, which I didn't do yesterday....
My brother recently went on a business trip to Omaha and he went by our old neighborhood and took this picture of our town home and sent it to me. The office/clubhouse is in the front of the picture and our town home was in the row of homes directly behind facing the street. Our unit was second from the right as you're looking at it. We moved there as newlyweds and lived there for nine years. We had three of our children there. It looks exactly the same as it did 30 years ago, from the outside at least. I sure hope they replaced the black, red and gold carpet that was in our bedroom :)
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