Thursday, July 17, 2014

No Modern Mini in Houston!

I found out today that my Modern Mini was not accepted into the Houston Quilt Festival. The miniature category only had eight quilts in it this past Fall, so I challenged myself to make one and enter this year. Apparently there was something about it they didn't like, OR they had a lot of miniature entries this year, which is great!  I hope they had a lot of miniature entries :)

So here is my Modern Mini.  It won't be traveling to Houston, but I will enjoy it anyway :)  The blocks finish at two inches and are redrafted based on some of the blocks in Tula Pinks 100 Modern Quilt Blocks.  I had a lot of fun making it!  I will have to think of a miniature quilt idea and try to enter the Houston show again next year!

In the meantime, I think I will go hang up this quilt!

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