Friday, January 4, 2019

A Sushi Necklace??

I forgot to share a picture of one of my Quilty gifts - these fun socks that my daughter Megan gave me!!  I need to put the pedal to the metal and get some quilting done!!

I bought this kit a couple of months ago because I thought it would be fun to make this chunky wool necklace.  I finally started it yesterday and it was not fun.  I was supposed to use fabric glue while rolling these skinny wool strips up - just a dab of glue at the beginning and end of the roll.  The instructions said to let the glue dry, but that if you let it dry too long, it might be hard to thread the roll onto the needle. I bought a permanent fabric glue, just for this project.  I followed the instructions and when the rolls were "dry, but not too dry" I started trying to string them onto the cording.  Not happening.  I tried all kinds of tools to help me get them on and there was no budging through that glue.  And notice, this project is supposed to be so easy a nine year old can do it!  I thought I was going to injure myself in the process.  I finally got so frustrated that I gave up on the wool rolls all together and pulled out some felted balls I had in my stash and just strung those on the cording with the beads. Even then I still had to have my husband help me finish it.  It looks "OK" and oh well, I don't like Sushi anyway....

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