Friday, February 15, 2019

Busy Week!

I guess it has been a busy week - I didn't realize how many days had passed since I last posted!

I did attend two guild meetings and three classes, besides all of the "regular" things I have to do.

I did Turkey Work for the very first time!  I don't think I did it exactly right - I need a demonstration, but it turned out OK for not really knowing what I was doing.

I also took a class on Tatting and I made this!  I'm really quite proud of myself.  Tatting has always interested me and it was quite fun to learn how to do something.  It's been a couple of days since I made this though, I hope I can still remember when I try again.

Anyway - a busy week, but a fun week!  I hope you had a great week too and enjoy the weekend!
Happy Quilting 😊

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