Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A Cruise! And Sue Spargo too!

Me with Sue Spargo on board the Viking Mimir
If you've been reading my blog, you know that I did Sue Spargo's block of the month last year called Homegrown.  Sometime during the year I received a postcard from her company advertising a Tulips and Windmills Viking River Cruise with Sue in April 2019.  I showed it to my friend Michelle and it didn't take too much convincing to get our husbands on board, and on April 2nd we were off to The Netherlands and Belgium during tulip season for a most wonderful vacation!!  Of the 170 or so passengers on board the Viking Mimir, about 40 of them were with Sue Spargo's group.  I think about 30 stitchers and several spouses.

While most of the trip was sightseeing and shore excursions, we did get a little stitching time in with Sue, while on board.  She had designed a special project just for this group, which we had received ahead of time so that we could have everything stitched down and ready to embellish.  It was more of an independent study class, where we showed up when we could and she gave us ideas and taught stitches that we wanted to learn.  Just watching her stitch is amazing - she is a master.  She also said she takes it one stitch at a time, when she's embellishing,  she never plans ahead!  One evening, just before dinner, they had a special reception with the ship's manager for Sue and her group.  Everyone in the group, of course, was really nice (all stitchers are nice, right?) and I learned almost as much from the others in the group as I did from Sue.  It was all just great fun.

The picture above doesn't represent the entire stitching group - it was just taken with who they could round up at the time.  We all had various trips and excursions going on at different times, so it really was a come as you can class.

The next few pictures are just for inspiration - mine for certain and maybe yours as well!

Happy Stitching!

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