I am FINALLY caught up on the TQS block of the month. Both of them! Half-sized! Yeah! Just in time for another month to start.... Ah well, it feels good to be "caught up" for a few days anyway. These are the blocks for July and August. July was T, Q and V, and August was U, W and X. I put my ruler in the picture so you can see that this whole section only measures about 12 inches by 12 inches. There are some itty, bitty, teeny, tiny pieces in these blocks! The appliqué is pretty small as well. So, as you can imagine, there are a LOT of seams on the backs of these. I think when I finally get the whole top pieced together that it will be able to stand up by itself, it will be so thick with seams. Quilting? Who needs quilting? That is my biggest puzzle at the moment - HOW am I going to quilt it? I think I will wait and worry about that later.... Right now, I am off to make some Tula Pink blocks :) NOT half-sized.
Cute quilt!