Thursday, February 28, 2019

Caretaker of Quilts

On The Quilt Show Daily Blog we occasionally hear from Anna (Anna and G on the Road).  Her most recent post was about becoming the caretaker of three of her husband's Aunt Pauline's quilts, after she had passed away.  Anna said, " To be gifted as a caretaker of quilts is an important part of one's family history."  
You can read the rest of the story here:

The other day my granddaughter was asking about the quilts in my quilt cabinet, pictured here, and I realized that four generations of quilters are represented in this one cabinet!  The quilt on the bottom was made by me, the next one up, by my mother and the top two were made by my great grandmother, but the one on top was hand quilted by my grandmother.  They are definitely a treasured part of my family history and I'm thankful to be their caretaker for now.  Maybe someday my granddaughter will become the caretaker of these quilts 😊

Another quote from Anna's blog:
On the Quilt Roadies 2019 journey I have heard over and over again...

I don't need any more projects
No one in my family needs or wants another quilt
I have too much fabric

And, I have had these very thoughts...but, what I do know is that stitching brings me such happiness.  When life is stressful, lonely, sad, I can find peace when stitching.  If starting new projects, creating beautiful things make me happy...well, then I am diving in!

Do You Need a Reason?

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