Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Christlike Service

I love this Michael James quilt above (top photo).  I saw it online and just fell in love with it.  It's interesting because the construction looks simple enough, but the color placement is what is key and that's where I think, "HOW did he do that??"  Pretty awesome.  Check out more of his quilts on his website:

The second picture is just a quilt I saw on Instagram and was inspired by the quilting.  I keep photos like this to look at when I'm beginning to quilt a quilt, for inspiration.  This one looks a little complicated!  I would definitely have to practice drawing it first.

I am trying to participate in the Light the World project this Christmas season:

Yesterday's suggestion was to highlight someone on social media who is an example of Christlike service.  I'm not on Facebook so this blog is my social media! 😂  I thought and thought about it and have many wonderful family members and friends who are wonderful examples of Christlike love and service.  I decided however to mention only one at this time and that is my husband Mike.  He always looks for ways to help other people and is a great example to me in that way.  At our old house, he used to go around early in the morning before work and shovel snow off of the driveways in our neighborhood.  When we moved from that house, we had a garage sale and one of the neighbors came over and said, "Do you have any snow shovels for sale?  I heard I might be needing one!"  He is always a big help to me too and very supportive of my wonderful quilting life and hobby.  I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life and I'm so thankful for him ❤️.

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