Monday, April 30, 2018

Speaking of Miniatures

George and Virginia Siciliano were at the National Quilt Museum all day, every day during quilt week, demonstrating their techniques.  She is a hand quilter and does beautiful work and he makes amazing miniature quilts.  They are the only couple to both have a quilt in the National Quilt Museum's collection.
Do you see the scissors through George's head in the photo above?  He said that is what happens to him if he gets into Virginia's quilting stuff.  One lady who was watching the demo said that is what would happen to her if she tried to make quilts like he does!

The National Quilt Museum was amazing too.  My daughter and husband went with me to the museum and they enjoyed it as well.  I told my daughter she was seeing the best of the best in the quilting world.  I pointed out how styles and techniques have changed throughout the years, such as quilts today are more heavily machine quilted than machine quilted quilts 20 years ago. Interestingly she preferred the less densely quilts on display from the 80's and 90's!  I like both.  What I see quilters doing today with their long arms and domestic machines is pretty fantastic.  Do you have a preference??

I tried to take a picture of Virginia's whole cloth, hand quilted quilt, but as with most whole cloth quilts - photos just don't do them justice.  Her stitches are tiny and even!

And yes.... I bought one of George's patterns .... I am going to attempt one of his miniatures!  I'll keep you posted :)

You can read more about George and Virginia on their website:

For your Spring Clean Your Studio Blog fix of the day head on over to Linda Bratten's blog at:

And have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. You have shown some amazing quilts the past few days, thank you.
