Sew Fun 2 Quilt

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Road Trip!

Went on a fun road trip with my hubby this past week!  It was nice to get away.  We went to two national parks that neither of us had been to before, Capitol Reef, in Utah and Great Basin, in Nevada.  We also saw Donny Osmond in Las Vegas.  I had been wanting to see his new show which is a retrospective of his 60 years in show business!  It was SO fun, we thoroughly enjoyed it! We also toured the Sphere in Las Vegas which was really interesting.  And ended the week visiting family in Utah and seeing my granddaughter's lacrosse game on a cold, windy day.  Fun times 🥰

Oh, and how could I forget, we stopped at two quilt stores along the way and I bought some wool for a new project!  Will be sharing that soon 😊....


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Show and Tell

Q is for Quilt, R is for Rudolph (must not have taken a picture of that one yet), S is for Snowglobe, and P is for Present!  I'm still have fun working on these and I also got Leaf #11 done yesterday. 😊

My friend Rena made one of the animal quilts!  I really, really want to do this!  she did such a great job, it's for a lucky little baby ❤️

And Nancy is working on this amazing quilt!  It's turning out beautifully - can hardly wait to see it all finished! 👏


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Guild Presentations

I was asked to give a trunk show presentation at two of the locals guilds this month, both on Wednesday, one in the morning and one in the evening. I was nervous about it, but ended up really enjoying it!  It was fun pulling out my quilts and sorting through them, including these two - one made by my great grandmother Dora Bell McPherson and the other by my mother Melba Willard.  The quilts in the pictures below are some that I've made.  Doing the presenting also made me realize how much I miss the guilds!  I've been rather lazy about going since things started up again after the pandemic.  Anyway, it's time to get back and socialize with these lovely friends!  Cheers for quilt guilds and Quilty friends! 👏❤️

Oh and a big thanks to my CEO hubby who hauled 50 quilts in and out of cars and unloaded and loaded them up from both meetings.  He truly is the Carry Everything Out guy!! 🥰


Monday, March 10, 2025

Quilt Con

I got two more done and sewed the bottom rows together on these Advent Calendars!

I saw this in The Quilt Show newsletter and I love it!  I still want to go to Quilt Con someday.  My friend told me it's back in Phoenix in 2027 so I'll make a plan. 😊


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Happy Sunday!!

Two more stockings embellished!  Did I mention that they are in alphabetical order?  Dec. 1st is an angel. 2nd is a bell etc.  I'm kind of working backwards here, but this is Vixen and below is an Ugly Christmas sweater 😂 I've also finished the Wreath, and the sleeping mouse X,Y,Z and the number 25 for Christmas Day.

Below is week 10 on Leaf the Week Behind.  It's not my favorite but I'm determined to try them all!

I just love this picture of the new baby giraffe at the Denver Zoo!  So cute! 🥰

Happy Sunday!


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Leaf the Week Behind Week Nine

Here is last week's Leaf the Week Behind!  Looking forward to today's!


Friday, March 7, 2025

Advent Calendar

A couple more are done!  I like seeing how the embellishing really makes them come alive!