I set a goal to finish 12 Dear Jane blocks a month this year. Here are the 12 I made this month. Some were fairly easy - some were really hard! It's always fun to pick out the fabric because each block only requires two fabrics - keeps it simple :)
This one was simple machine piecing, then I appliquéd the circle on by hand. I used Karen Kay Buckley's Perfect Circle templates to make the circle, much like making a yo-yo.
I really like the way this one turned out and it was pretty easy to machine piece.
This one I actually had to make twice. The first attempt ended up in the garbage. I am following some directions that I bought from Sarah K. Francis, which are very plain and clear, if you read them carefully and don't jump right in before knowing exactly what you need to do!
This is machine pieced and the two corner triangles are hand appliquéd on.
Machine pieced - not too difficult. It didn't press out very well though....
Nice and easy paper piecing! I like this one.
Machine pieced - not terribly difficult.
This one is paper pieced and it was kind of complicated. The curved pieces in the bottom section are hand appliquéd.
Paper pieced - a little harder than it looks, but I like it! The directions suggested using a stripe fabric and I'm glad I did but it was a trick to keep the stripe going in the same direction and straight up and down.
The quarter circles are hand appliquéd on before I machine pieced it. I really like this one.
I like this one too. I especially liked how easy it was to make! I was really for an easy one.
I had this one all done and I really liked it, then I trimmed it wrong and cut off more than I should have! You can't glue it back on! I had to start all over and I didn't have enough of the background fabric left to make it again so it ended up becoming the picture below. My husband says it likes the dotty background better. Maybe he's just being nice.
This one was easy to piece but appliquéing those little diamonds on by hand was difficult As you can see, they're not perfect but they will have to do.
Off to more sewing - have a great day!!
WOW - awesome job!