Wednesday I went to the CO West Quilt Guild's Christmas party. We ate a lovely soup and salad dinner, made ornaments, had show and tell and they drew names for the winners of the two raffle quilts! Tons of fun :)
We were challenged to make a New Year's resolution last January to complete a quilt this year that we've always wanted to finish. Someone finished the Thimbleberries Christmas quilt which I made 3/4 size several years ago. It was fun seeing it full size and it's very large!
My New Year's resolution quilt was to finish Dear Jane, which alas, I didn't do.... But I got a LOT closer to finishing! So hopefully I will finish it this year - that's my plan. Maybe I can show it at next year's Christmas party. I bumped into a friend at the meeting who is working on hers too and hopes to finish it this year. Like she said, "I hope I still like it when I'm done, after all this work I've put into it!" I feel the same :)
Sheila finished these two quilts, that were part of a block of the month. She made double the blocks, so made two quilts, but put them together in very different settings! I love them both - she does beautiful work!
Here they are kind of side by side, so you can see how different they are!
A unique modern looking quilt was shown! I love the colors - and look at the back (below)!
We had the choice of three different Christmas ornaments to make - all quick and easy to do. I chose this little ribbon Christmas tree!
I've been in my sewing room all day! It's been nice :)
I LOVE that tree ornament!!!!!