Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Birmingham, England

Everyone who guessed, guessed correctly!  I attended The Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, England!  My husband and I had a trip planned to the UK and Norway and quite by accident I discovered that we were going to be there at the same time The Festival of Quilts was going on in Birmingham. (I received Ricky Tims' newsletter saying that he was going to be there.). This is the largest quilt festival in Europe with over 24,000 attendees.  We made a slight change to our itinerary so that I could attend the festival on Friday, August 10th. My husband is the best! :). I had a wonderful time.  There were a lot of beautiful quilts and many, many vendor booths that were SO packed with shoppers I didn't even see them all, which is probably a good thing as I had limited luggage space!
The first quilt I saw was this 300 year old silk patchwork coverlet, which was quite amazing to see and in incredibly good condition.

This quilt must have a bit of a following like our Dear Jane in the USA.  I saw this replica which was made in 2004 and then went around the corner and saw many more!

Since I haven't had time to work on anything myself :) - I will be sharing some of the quilts that I saw over the next couple of weeks, along with some of the sights we saw in England and Norway.  I hope it's not too boring for anyone, but it's kind of a nice way of journaling our trip for me.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!

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