Wednesday, September 26, 2018

It Might Be Funny Someday....

Yesterday I flushed my favorite thimble down the toilet!  Someday I might laugh about it, but right now it just makes me sad. 😔 It was a leather thimble, worn just enough to fit my finger perfectly and I really liked it.

Here is what happened - I was stitching away on my Millefiori quilt, got up to use the bathroom and forgot and left the thimble on my finger.  While I was in there, someone rang the doorbell and while I was hurrying up trying to finish my business, it must have slipped off my finger because after I flushed I saw my black leather thimble spinning around and around as it went down the toilet drain....

Today I'm sharing a couple of odds and ends.  At Quilt Fest in Utah last week, everyone who registered received one of these nice portfolios!

This is a t-shirt I bought from one of the vendors :)

A refrigerator magnet

Two magnetic pin holders (for gifts).  I loved the sayings on them.  These and the magnet above are made by Ben Behunin:
"Putting the funk back in functional!"

The theme for Saturday's lunch was Mary Poppins!!
That is one of my all time favorite musicals.  We were lucky enough to see it on Broadway several years ago and I LOVED it.  Our table favor was this tiny Mary Poppins carpetbag (these are about four inches square!) with a tape measure inside.  The tag says "Practically Perfect in Every Way".   So cute!

I also won a couple of door prizes at Saturday's luncheon!  The pattern below and a hefty pack of Easter fabric!

In case you're interested, the theme for next year's Quilt Fest is "Bewitching".  The National Teachers will be Gloria Loughman and Anelie Belden, plus a mysterious "Unnamed National Instructor" - hmmm .... wonder who that will be??

Big news!  I finished my Millefiori quilt top!  I just love it.  Now it's time to figure out what I want to put on the back and start quilting!!

It may be a few weeks yet, as I have a couple of other quilts I need to quilt first, but I'm excited that it's getting close to being done.

This is my daughter Michelle's Turning Twenty II quilt top, in progress.  She got all the blocks done and is now in the process of sewing it together!  It looks very Millefiori-like too!  So pretty.

Here is a tip I learned from Becky Goldsmith's newsletter today.  I really like this small Yazzi bag that has the removable pouches, but most of the Yazzi bags' pouches are sewn in.  I've had the bag pictured below for several years but have hardly used it because it had four big pouches sewn in that took up all the space.  (Sometimes you only need one pouch, so you have three empty pouches in there taking up all the extra space).
In Becky's newsletter she said that she and one of her students decided to just take the pouches out and see what happened.  The pouches and the bag are perfectly fine!  So I tackled my big Yazzi bag below with a seam ripper and removed those four pouches!  Now I can use them if I want to, or just use one or two and still have room for other things.  I think this bag will be much more useful to me with removable pouches!  Thanks for the tip Becky!
In case you're interested, here is Becky's video on how she modified her Yazzi bag:

1 comment:

  1. So sad about your favorite thimble! And your quilt top looks awesome!
