Saturday, March 2, 2019

Thread Zap!

My friend Michelle gave me this Thread Zap for my birthday awhile ago and I am ashamed to say I am just now realizing how cool and amazing this handy tool is!  I am trying to finish up my Peep Party bag and I need to appliqué some decorative ribbons on the outside of the bag.  In the instructions it said to use a lighter to singe the ends of the ribbons so they wouldn't fray.  Instead I pulled out this handy dandy Thread Zap and presto zingo I had singed edges on my ribbons!  I'm afraid with a lighter I would've set my whole ribbon on fire!  I LOVE this!  Thanks Michelle - even though it took me awhile to catch on :)

You all know how much I love Polish Pottery.  Well I just about fainted when yesterday on The Quilt Show's Daily Blog I saw this Polish Pottery quilt.  OH MY GOSH!  Is this not amazing or what??  Most of the texture is created by crocheted lace!!  Please go read more about it and it's creator Chieko Shiraishi here:

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