Monday, May 6, 2019


I had the BEST time in Cecelia's hand needle felting class making these cute little sheep about a week ago!  She taught it at Black Sheep Handworx Studio and plans to teach it again, so if you missed out, it's not too late.  It was so much fun, not too difficult and we finished it during class so no homework!

The story behind this one is that Judy, while making it, kept complaining that his chin was too big.  She finally went with it, named him Jay Leno and put a little curl of white in his hair!  ðŸ˜‚

This is mine!  Her name is Priscilla and she is about three inches tall!  Isn't she just adorable?

The little black sheep on the left in the photo below is Noni's and his name is Herbert.  She also made an even smaller one - Benjamin - not pictured here.

These little animals above were all made by Cecelia and the sheep pictured below
include two of hers and Jay, Priscilla and Herbert.
So fun!  I'm going to try and felt a bear next 😊

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