Saturday, June 1, 2019

I Suffer From Needlenesia

I just received the funniest newsletter from Laura Wasilowski (you know, Laura from the Chicago School of Fusing - I still have my diploma from the CSOF!). If you have never taken a class from Laura, definitely put it on your to-do list.  It is the funnest class I've ever taken!
I tried to find a link to her newsletter on her website and could not, so I'm going to quote parts of it here, but do go and check out her website too:

Now to quote her newsletter:

Added any portmanteaus to your sewing lexicon lately? 

A portmanteau is the blending of the sounds and meanings of two words to create a new word. For example: She’s a shopaholic (shop + alcoholic) who needs to chillax (chill + relax) and go glamping (glamour + camping).
Did you know that there are portmanteaus specific to the stitch world? Here are a few portmanteaus you can drop into your next conversation with a fellow sewist (sew + artist) when you meet up for brunch (breakfast + lunch). 
  • Cosplay (costume + play) dressing up in costumes that look like characters (See Cheryl Sleboda)
  • Stitchertainment (stitch + entertainment) sewing while watching TV
  • Embroiderroading (embroidery + road) stitching while in a car
  • Frankenquilt (Frankenstein + quilt) quilt made with leftovers from other quilts
  • Sewmance (sew + romance) a love affair with your sewing machine
  • Needlenesia (needle + amnesia) forgetting where you stuck your needle
  • Needlelurker (needle + lurker) a needle hidden in your armchair waiting to stab you as in “She suffered from needlenesia until she sat down and found the needlelurker”.

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