Friday, July 12, 2019

Katie Fowler

Yesterday I went to a Creativity Workshop with the guilds' guest speaker this month, Katie Fowler.  She is a certified Creativity Coach!  I had no idea there was such a thing, but there is and she is very good!  The workshop was totally not what I expected but I really enjoyed it.  I talked to a couple of other gals in the class who said the same thing.  I'm not sure what we were expecting, but at least we were pleasantly surprised!  She walked us through our own creative journey and helped us identify things that are important to us and things that might be stumbling blocks to our own creativity.  I found it inspiring and helpful - now I just need some TIME to get into my Creative Sewing Space and work on some of my projects!

Following are some of the beautiful quilts that Katie has made and brought to show to the guilds.

She has written a book, which the workshop was based on.
I recommend it!  It's great!

If you saw Katie on an episode of The Quilt Show awhile back, she absolutely
shocked the audience by cutting up one of her finished quilts!  The 
quilt above is how she put it back together :)

There is still time to get to the Black Canyon Quilt Show this weekend!
My husband and I went today and there are some amazing quilts on
display.  I will be sharing some photos, but if you get a chance to see
them for yourself, you should!  I ran into several people there today that I know -
that is always fun.  We had a great time!

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