Saturday, August 10, 2019

A Productive Meeting

We had a productive Little Bits (miniature quilt group) meeting at Susan's this week.  Her home is like an art quilt show in itself!  She makes such beautiful quilts I couldn't help but take some pictures!  Aren't the colors in this one just beautiful?

Kathy demonstrated the Cathedral Windows technique and many were working on table runners using that technique.

Of course we had show and tell - that's the best part!  Leota, above showed an alphabet quilt that she made and Linda showed a Courthouse Steps block with many pieces!

Below, Annie showed a hand appliquéd piece that she finished, using the back-basting method.  It's all beautifully hand quilted too.  Did I mention she's 91?

Sherida made a crayon quilt (or colored pencils :) and while she was at it, she made a miniature version of it.  She pointed out how long it's been since our miniature quilt group has really worked on something small scale.  I am doing some tiny appliqué right now, but she's right!  I really feel inspired to make a miniature quilt!  Maybe after the holidays - I have too many projects to work on before then. 😊

One of Susan's art quilts that is just two inches too small to enter into a show she was interested in.  She made her own fabric using screen printing and other techniques.  Once again, I love the colors!

Kathy, below, shares a growth chart quilt that she made for a lucky child :)

This sculpture at Susan's just makes me smile!
Have a great day!

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