Saturday, November 23, 2019

Stitch "Dictionary"

Today I'm giving another thread lecture at Black Sheep!  At the last one I did, one of the gals suggested that we actually stitch a book ourselves using some of these wonderful threads, so....

That's what I'm doing!  This will be a twelve month (once a month) class at Black Sheep beginning in 2020.  Following are pictures of the cover I made (everyone will choose to do the cover however they want to), and to the left is the beginning of page number one, with the Buttonhole Stitch.  My goal is to have a "dictionary" of sorts of several different stitches, using lots of wonderful threads.  It will then be a nice reference book when you're working on your projects.

I need to get busy stitching more pages!
Happy Stitching and a great weekend to you!


  1. I'm just catching up on your posts. I love your "stitch dictionary!". What is the colorful woodland fabric on the back? I'm thinking perfect backing for Woodland Whimsies!

  2. Where is the black sheep located?
