Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hopscotch Anyone?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  We've been having a lot of fun with our family visiting from out of town.

Now I can share a couple of photos of gifts that I made for Christmas.  This one is a hopscotch mat that I made for my granddaughter.  I've been wanting to make one of these for years and I finally did. I'm happy to say that all of the fabric came from my stash, as well as the batting and thread - I didn't have to go purchase anything (thanks to Gini who gave me 7 yards of golf ball fabric, which I used for the back and the bag to store the mat in :)

Hopscotch was one of my very favorite games as a child in elementary school and I have to say I was quite good at it!  It's been fun to teach my granddaughter how to play this week - she's getting quite good at it too!  I made the bean bags to use as "markers" to toss into the squares, but I remember I had a very special chain that I used because it landed right where I wanted it to and stayed put - a big part of my hopscotch success! 😊

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