Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Little Bits Show and Tell

I have three months worth of Little Bits (my miniature quilt group) show and tell pictures!  That shows how far behind I am.

I will tell what I can remember!  The beautiful wood bobbin box above was made for Annie by her son-in-law Jeff.  And she is modeling a jacket that she made for herself.  She is still sewing strong at age 92!  Way to go Annie! 😊❤️

Leota made some adorable doll dresses for her granddaughter for Christmas (and matching vests for granddaughter and doll).  My Mom made a ton of doll clothes for me when I was growing up.  I still have the Barbie clothes!

The cute little baby quilt above was made by Kathy and this beautiful art quilt was made by Susan. She does amazing artwork!

Bobbi made these beautiful pictures and I wish I could remember what the technique is called, but I know it involves gluing these tiny beads on one by one to make the mosaic-like pictures.  They're really pretty!

Sherida is working on the cute wool piece above!

Leota made a set of really pretty placemats.

These gals have been busy!

Last but not least, the two bags below were both made by Eleanor.  Show and Tell is always a treat at this monthly meeting - that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. When and where does the Little Bits group meet?
