Saturday, January 13, 2024

Case In Point

Let's just start by saying that I am NOT a bag maker.  A few months ago I went to the local quilt store and they had a display of By Annie bags and you could enter to win a free pattern, so of course I did!  A week or so later I get a call that I won a pattern.  I went and picked it up and I chose the Case in Point pattern, wondering if I would ever make it.  Then the same store offered a class this Fall for the Case in Point bag!  I signed up, thinking that if I took the class then I would for sure make the bag.  While on a retreat with the guild in September I shopped for fabric for the bag, bought some, then found more cute fabric and bought that too.  Now I had enough fabric for TWO bags.

It took me two days to do all of the prep work for the class and I was looking forward to getting at least one bag done during the all-day class.  I decided I would make one for myself and one for my good friend who I've gone on a lot of quilting adventures with, as a Christmas gift.

A couple of days before the class, I got a call that the class was going to be postponed until sometime in 2024!  I'd never made a By Annie bag before but since one was a Christmas gift I was determined to figure it out. 

Here are the results!  I was able to finish both bags before Christmas.  I told my friend to try not to notice the mistakes but to make note of the FIVE zippers I installed in each bag instead! 😂

Here are my first (and probably my last) By Annie bags!  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the bags and her patterns are amazing.  I just didn't enjoy making them...  I will enjoy using it though!  Hope my friend does too. 😊


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