Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Amazing Art Quilts!!

AQuA, a local art quilters' group here in Grand Junction has an amazing exhibit at the Art Center here in town, a must see if you can go!  This is one talented group of ladies!  I'll share some more photos tomorrow, but you can see here how stunning these quilts are. 😊👏

The quilt above is "Geologic Wonder" by Sharon Braunagel

By the way, a lot of these quilts are for sale FYI!!

Above is "Your Secret is Safe With Me" by Susan E. Sandman

Above: "Pretty in Red" by Cindy Williams

Below:  "True Colors" by Kim Keller

Above: "Simple Splendor" by Sharon Braunagel ... Stunning in person!!

Below:  "Revered Love" by Rodene Harwood

Above:  "What the Palm Reader Saw" by Sandra Hefner


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