Saturday, March 15, 2025

Guild Presentations

I was asked to give a trunk show presentation at two of the locals guilds this month, both on Wednesday, one in the morning and one in the evening. I was nervous about it, but ended up really enjoying it!  It was fun pulling out my quilts and sorting through them, including these two - one made by my great grandmother Dora Bell McPherson and the other by my mother Melba Willard.  The quilts in the pictures below are some that I've made.  Doing the presenting also made me realize how much I miss the guilds!  I've been rather lazy about going since things started up again after the pandemic.  Anyway, it's time to get back and socialize with these lovely friends!  Cheers for quilt guilds and Quilty friends! 👏❤️

Oh and a big thanks to my CEO hubby who hauled 50 quilts in and out of cars and unloaded and loaded them up from both meetings.  He truly is the Carry Everything Out guy!! 🥰


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