Monday, July 29, 2019

Black Canyon Quilt Show - Mary Ross

Earlier this month my husband and I attended the Black Canyon Quilt Show in Montrose, CO. We had a great time and saw many beautiful quilts, and of course I took a lot of pictures!  I will be sharing them over the next several days, because while I am back in my quilt studio, I don't have anything to show for it yet!

This quilt deserves a post all by itself because it took my breath away - the workmanship is nothing short of perfection!  It is made by Mary Ross and quilted by Glenda Davis.  I have met Mary Ross before (I was inspired by her to make my Dear Jane quilt!) and I knew she was a master hand appliqué quilter but .... like I said, this quilt just took my breath away.  I tried to take some detailed pictures so you can see her amazing work up close, but still, the pictures don't really do it justice!

Hope you enjoy the photos from the show!

No surprise that it won Best of Show and a 1st Place ribbon as well!
Kudos to Glenda Davis too because the quilting is phenomenal!

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