Monday, July 1, 2019

Chicago Highlights Day One

 We recently visited my son, who lives in Chicago, and lucky for us the whole family could come!  We had such a great time and Jonathan was a wonderful "tour guide"!
One of the first things we did, after checking into our hotel was an Architectural River Cruise.
Our guide talked to us about the five different types of architecture found in Chicago (don't ask me to remember them!). It was a very interesting and informative cruise and a good introduction to the city!

I don't know if you can see very well, in this photo above, the base of that building is so much smaller than the rest of the building.  The tour guide told us some of these buildings have pools of water on the roof to help balance them, and Jonathan said some use pendulums to do the same thing.  The guide said they can sway as much as three feet at the top.  Kind of freaky!

Definitely a mixture of the old and new...

Topped the night off with some famous deep dish pizza from Giordano's - 
and some Ghirardelli ice cream!

Looking UP at the hotel we stayed in - something like 85 stories.
Luckily we were only on the 16th floor!
I'll share some more pictures tomorrow - we had SO much fun 😊

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