Wednesday, July 31, 2019

It's been kind of windy lately, in the evenings.  If I didn't know any better I might think that I left the window open in my quilting studio!  It does look like a strong wind blew through.  I've started a new project and it may be a couple of days yet before I can "tidy up".  Look for a hint in the photo below and see if you can guess what holiday the new project is  based on?

Above:  Tatanka
An original design by Ginny Frame
Quilted by Ginny Frame and Margi Young

This quilt, Sunshine on My Shoulders, designed, made and quilted by Margaret Noah
won three ribbons!  Mayor's Choice, 1st Place Art Quilt and Best Domestic Machine Quilter
(Black Canyon Quilt Show - July 2019)

Above:  Circular Fascination
by Jan Daoust
Quilted by Judy Clay

Plum Wine by Mary Huff and quilted by Glenda Davis
won 1st Place in the Large Pieced Quilt category.
I'm thinking Glenda Davis is a pretty amazing quilter!

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