Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Quilt Show Taping

I went to a taping of The Quilt Show last week and this time my husband Mike came with me!  He said he's seen how much fun I've had when I've gone before so he wanted to check it out for himself.  We had a great time!  He was one of only two men in the audience, so I kind of think they went out of their way to make sure he had a good time 😉. At lunchtime we sat next to the other man and his wife and it was fun to get to know them.  They are from Virginia but have family in Colorado so have a home here too that they spend part of the year in.  It was really fun to get to know several audience members.  One lady asked Mike if he was having a good time.  She wanted to know because her husband has been wanting to go and she wondered if she should bring him along or not.  We told her she should!

Mike got invited to go into the control room to watch them tape a segment.  He said it was really interesting.  I've never been invited to do this but both my husband and my daughter have!  I think I've gone to so many tapings they probably think I've surely been asked to do it before.

They tape two shows a day so you're asked to change clothes during the 
lunch break so we look like a different, bran new audience.

They also give out door prizes throughout the day and MIKE won a door prize!  Of course he doesn't need it, so guess who got it??  He says I only invited him along to increase my chances of winning.  Not true, but it didn't hurt did it?? 😀

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