Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Building Blocks Knitting Class

I took a knitting class last night from my friend Ann.  This will be a year long "block of the month" knitting class.  I'm SO excited - I had such a great time and LOOK - it's looking pretty cool already! I really want to go sit and knit right now but I'm making dinner...

"One morning the postman brought me an invitation to a real Quilting Bee.  I was so thrilled for I knew many of the quilters in the little town in Iowa... Two quilts, the Compass and the Wedding Ring, were in frames on the long screened veranda.  The day was ideal and everybody came.  Yes, and they all came with baskets filled with the good things that farm women know how to prepare.  Each one tried to outdo the other, and I guess they did. Such a jolly, good time we had!"
Carlie Sexton, 1030

I know a group of quilters, known as the Thursday Quilters, who still get together every week and hand quilt around a big quilting frame. It is not a lost art 😊❤️

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