Thursday, January 30, 2020


I finished the "Antelope Canyon" quilt just in time to ship it off to my son in Chicago for his birthday next week!

I really like this quilt and am thinking of quarter sizing it (which would make it about a 36" square wall hanging).  Those skinny strips would finish at 1/4 inch, so I wouldn't/couldn't go any smaller!  I'll let you know how it goes!

(I should have taken this picture in the sunroom with better light, but you get the idea...)

Quote from my granddaughter: "When my kids ask me for a snack I'll say, 'It's okay.  You can have all the snacks you want.'"

My son told my daughter she should write a book titled "Parenting Advice from my Toddler" 😂

1 comment:

  1. Such a great quilt! It looks amazing on my bed. Thank you Mom!
