Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy 2020!!

Happy New Year!!
It was nice yesterday to take down all of the Christmas decorations
and put up the snowmen.  It even snowed yesterday!

I was able to get back into my sewing room today and do a little "straightening up".  
I'm ready to start working on some projects again, finish some up, begin some new ones...  
I will be working on North Pole at Wool Gatherers today!

Here are some fun quotes from The Friendship Quilt book, for your amusement...

"When I was a girl we did not quilt any of the "tops" we had made until we were ready to be married.  A girl announced her engagement by having a "quilting bee" just like you have an announcement party today."  Mrs. E.E, Hardesty

"A failure to ask a neighbor to a raising, clearing, a chopping frolic, or his family to a quilting, was considered a high indignity; such an one, too, as required to be explained or atoned for at the next muster or county court.  Each settler was not only willing but desirous to contribute his share to the general comfort and public improvement, and felt aggrieved and insulted if the opportunity to do so were withheld."  Dr. J.G.M. Ramsey, 1853

"Our minister was married a year ago and we have been piecing him a bed quilt; last week we quilted it.  I always make a point of going to quilting, for you can't be backbited to your face, that's a moral certainty." Marietta Holley 1868

"The frontier people were not without their social pleasures. Amusements were not frequent nor were they elaborate, but they were enjoyed all the more because they came so seldom.  I recall spending a very enjoyable day at a quilting bee.  While the fingers plied the needle, tongues were equally busy..." Luvenia Conway Roberts, 1875

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