Monday, February 10, 2020

Odds and Ends

I have a lot of catching up to do!  I spent almost the entire morning cleaning my desk.  It looks SO nice and now I feel like I can accomplish something.  They say a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind, but my mind is healthier if my desk is clean 😊

I spent Saturday cleaning up my sewing room too, as I usually do when I finish a project.  Speaking of finishing projects, I finished my 2019 Sue Spargo Block of the Month this weekend - Forest For the Trees.  Unfortunately I cannot share a picture of it until her book comes out later this year, but I will bring it to the guild meeting for show and tell!

I'm sharing some photos I've been meaning to post for awhile now.  Up top is my daughter Michelle with a cute wool tree she made in a class at the Corn Wagon Quilt Shop in Springville, UT.  It's so cute and looks great on her table!

My son Jonathan has a 3D printer and made this 3D Settlers of Catan game for his sister and her family for Christmas.  This is the coolest game ever!  We had so much fun playing it over the holidays.  What a fun idea.  It took him HOURS to make, but kind of like machine embroidery, I think a lot of that time was the machine doing its work.  Anyway - it's beautiful!

Just had to share this beautiful sunset photo, taken on our street last Friday night.
We are so blessed with beauty all around us ❤️

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