Friday, February 7, 2020

Stitch Books

I have been so busy lately and I feel bad about not keeping up on my blog.  There is so much to share!  I will try to be more consistent!

I taught two classes today - Needle Keep in the morning and Stitch Book in the afternoon.  Many of the gals have their stitch books complete, but some will be working on them throughout the year.  Each month now, we are working on the stitch pages.  Today we focused on the buttonhole stitch and its many variations.  It was fun!

I thought I would share a few of the stitch book covers that are either completed, or works in progress.  Above and to the right is Michelle's.  (My favorite color :)

This is Doe's - work in progress.  I love the colors on this one too!

Above is Bettys and below is Pat's - amazing!!

This is Ellen's - I love the sheep!! And the inside is super cute too.  I am in awe
of everyone's creativity and originality.  This is turning out to be a really fun class to teach 😊

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