Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Dear Jane Travels the World

One of my most favorite quilts that I've ever made, and one of my biggest accomplishments is my Dear Jane quilt inspired by Jane Stickle's 1863 quilt and Brenda Papadakis' book.  It took me about 8 years to complete it - a lot of handwork and machine work.  I enjoyed the process.

At the quilt festival I was very excited to see a display of Dear Jane quilts made by Russian speaking women from all over the world.  Enjoy the pictures of these incredible quilts, with creative color choices, interesting edge finishes and beautiful workmanship!  

I think the green must be an ombre fabric, which really makes this quilt stand out. The Trip Around the World color placement really stands out as well.

Prairie Points!

This is not a black and white photo!  The quilt is very neutral - quite stunning!

Little covered buttons between the scallops on the edge...

This one makes me want to get out what remains of my Japanese taupe fabrics and make something!

Do YOU have a favorite?? šŸ˜Š❤️


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